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The Delayed Start to the 2020 Season

April 03, 2020 2 min read

Sports are the best.  I believe they can teach us so much and can have an immense affect on us in our personal development and growth.  With sports only being one thing that has been taken away from us during this time, I think this allows us to reflect on those games or moments, the wins and losses, the friends and teammates from last year or 30 years ago.

I recently had a video call with a few teammates in college.  Honestly, its probably something that we wouldn't have done in "normal" times.  We shared a lot of stories, laughed a receding hairlines and were interrupted a few times by kids saying good night.  Those few years back in the mid 90's were awesome.  It was great to connect and we will continue to do so.  This time has allow us here at Prairie Sticks to brainstorm on how we can do a better job connecting with people and slow things down, so life or the business just doesn't pass us by.  It will make us better going forward! 

One thing we've noticed at Prairie Sticks is that the desire and love for the game of baseball is deeper than we could have ever imagined.  It's really incredible, almost overwhelming.  We obviously remain optimistic for all the kids and big kids (adults) to be able to throw on the spikes and start their season.  

That's the choice we've made through these times.  To remain optimistic, to be generous and to count down each day as one day closer to everyone's "Opening Day" whatever diamond or ballpark that happens to be at.

Please remember, that ALL profits until April 30, 2020 will be donated to KidsSport so parents don't have to bear the financial burden to pay registration fees.  Please spread the word about this.

We will see you soon at the ballpark.

Jared Greenberg

Chief Engineer of Line Drives

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